02.11.09.  7.30am

I woke up @6.30am as we agreed we were going to leave to the North @7.00.

We had some breakfast (milk powder and bread) and left….long 5 hours after,


…we arrived at Toukountouna in a centre for “garzons” where we are going to stay for the night.

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We had lunch…no comments on that:-it was penne with tomatoes, mushroom and onions. We are about to finish, it’s 1.49 pm.

I would really like to have sometime to record my emotions, no time at all to do so moving incessantly from one place to another.

I am in a ‘contemplating mode’, looking everywhere and everything overwhelmed!!!

7.30 pm

Coming back from a long day spent in another orphanage in Boukumbé. I took a shower since as always, I was filthy at the end of the day. The area we spent the day was a very poor one.


This orphanage was not in great conditions.


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Nevertheless one nun managed to turn many things around starting from putting up a school by herself with some little chairs, painted walls and few toys.


Kids there did not jump on us like in other places. These kids were not even comfortable to get too close to us at the beginning. Their eyes were dark, no sparks of light, no happiness, no joy, no smiles.Slowly they became more friendly and started smiling a little…still it was possible to ‘see’ the huge burden on their tiny, weak and fragile shoulders…You could read pain in their eyes….


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My life changing experience

5 thoughts on “Driving up north…

  1. “The betterment of the world can be accomplished through goodly deeds and commendable conducts”.

    “Il miglioramento del mondo può ottenersi mediante azioni pure a Dante e ins condotta lodevole e decorosa.”

    “The world is but one country and mankind it’s citizen”.

    …”May you become as the waves of one sea,
    stars of the same heaven,
    Fruits adorning the same tree
    Roses of one garden, in order that through you the oneness of humanity may establish its temple in the world of mankind….”

    Cara Mia Gabriella

    Your deeds and conducts have touched the hearts of whomsoever you have met and will meet including mine!!!

    How fortunate that you are in touch with your noble soul and through acts of service toward humanity you are able to achieve your spiritual potential by your persuit in rendering service by imbibing and instilling in the hearts of men


    Education for all our neglected children on earth
    And those souls who truly lack human rights and equal share of the copious resources that have been endowed on earth for all of the earth’s inhabitants to share in equal measure.

    I’m honoured to have you in my earthly life and to know that your underlying and sole heartfelt purpose in life is to render service to our human family for the purpose of its inevitable unification on our glorious and wonderful planet through your saintly deeds and pursuit for justice, which is a gift to us but not to keep, but to share with all in the spiritual of fellowship and LOVE.

    Brava cara mia sorrella

    Con la Mia anima


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